How to Stop Earthworms

Earthworms can be beneficial to a lawn and to dirt in general- however, sometimes they can become too plentiful. That`s when they become troublesome and annoying pests. The best way to deal with earthworm infestations is to use carbamade, which is very effective at killing them. Carbamide is common in many insecticides.


  • Tips & warnings

  • Things You`ll Need

    • Pesticide with carbamade
    • Safety glasses
    • Plastic gloves
    • Look for small mounds of soil on top of the lawn to ensure that earthworms are truly a problem. Also, if the lawn is full of earthworms after a medium rain or heavy sprinkling session, it might indicate an earthworm problem.

    • Purchase pesticide at a hardware or lawn and garden store. Make sure it is enough to cover all your lawn. Ensure that carbamade (also called carbaryl) is listed as an active ingredient.

    • Cover the lawn with pesticides, using a hose or spray device. Ensure you have read the instructions and avoid overapplying. Generally, you should do this two to four times per season. However, if the problem persists, you may respray as much as once a week.

    Tips & Warnings

    • Remember to use protective equipment such as gloves and safety glasses when handling pesticides.
    • Remember that earthworms help keep lawns healthy- therefore, you do not want to eradicate them entirely. Make sure to only spray pesticides when necessary.
    • Earthworms eat grass clippings for food , so removing your clippings is a great way to keep their numbers down.
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