When to Plant Fruit Trees in Las Vegas?

Fruit trees grow well around Las Vegas and in south Nevada. However, choosing the right time to plant your trees is crucial since Nevada gets very hot in the summer and the trees need to be strong enough to handle the heat. They also need to be able to withstand the cold temperatures in the winter.



  • Apricot trees grow well near Las Vegas. When mature, apricot trees produce fruit in spring in the region. Pomegranates are another fruit tree that grows well in Nevada. According to the University of Nevada, pomegranates have grown in the region since the 1800s

Time Frame

  • The best time to plant fruit trees like apricots and pomegranates in Las Vegas is during the winter. They are dormant during this time and not producing fruit. Planting in the winter also allows the roots time to establish themselves. Trees like apricots also need a winter chill to produce fruit.


  • There is never a good time to plant citrus fruit trees in Las Vegas. While it may seem like citrus trees like lemons and oranges would thrive in southern Nevada`s hot weather, the cold winters in the region will likely kill them.

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