How do I Convert Briggs & Stratton CC to Horsepower?

The metric and English units of measurement have quite a bit of difference, but you may need to convert both measurements in order to make proper calculations. Briggs & Stratton engines come with both cubic centimeter (cc) and horsepower ratings. The description plate attached to the top of each Briggs & Stratton engine lists the model number and engine power. A Briggs & Stratton engine with a "CC" rating rather than a "HP" rating will vary a bit above or below the converted HP rating depending on how well tuned the engine is at the time of testing.

  • Turn the Briggs & Stratton engine upright so the flywheel shroud is facing you.

  • Locate the information plate attached to the top of flywheel shroud.

  • Find the horsepower or CC rating listed on the information plate.

  • Calculate the horsepower or CC by multiplying or dividing by 15. The general rule is for every 15 CC there is 1 HP.

    For example, for a 150 CC engine you would take 150 divided by 15, which equals 10 HP.

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