Curling Leaves on a Lemon Tree

When growing lemon trees, numerous problems can occur. Periodic, careful inspection of your citrus tree can prevent any problems of pests or diseases from getting out of hand. If the leaves of your lemon tree are curling, consider it a warning that something is amiss.



  • Citrus trees require ample watering to keep them in good condition. If the leaves on your lemon tree turn a dull green and begin to curl, it`s a sign of water stress. If the lack of water continues, the leaves will dry out and become crisp followed by the fruit falling to the ground.


  • Infestations of aphids result in distorted and stunted growth of the tree along with leaves that cup, curl or twist. The brown citrus aphid transfers the citrus tristeza virus to the tree. You can visibly see a heavy infestation.

Organic Solution

  • The ladybird beetle and ladybug are the aphid`s natural enemy. If you can, avoid using chemicals on your lemon tree. You may purchase ladybugs online, out of catalogs and from some garden centers.

Irrigation Solution

  • When you determine that your tree is water stressed, water it to a depth of 2 feet and cover it with mulch to retain moisture. Deep watering is better than frequent watering. Water your lemon tree every seven to 10 days according to the season.

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