What Vegetables Do Deer Not Bother in a Garden?

Gardens exist as a hot-spot feeding ground for deer during early spring. Vegetables unfavorable to deer are typically sought after by gardeners. Thomas Tabor who writes for "Countryside and Small Stock Journal," notes that deer commonly avoid plants that are spiny, aromatic or poisonous.


  • Cucumbers have a leafy vegetation that is tempting for deer but the vegetable itself has a spiny texture that the animals dislike. The University of Illinois Extension office recommend three categories of cucumbers. Long green slicing cucumbers have varieties such as burpless, marketmore 76 and straight 8. The long green slicing compact plant category contain varieties such as the bush crop, fanfare and salad bush. Pickling cucumbers boasts varieties such as the bush pickle and carolina.

    The spiny flesh of a cucumber is resistant to deer
    The spiny flesh of a cucumber is resistant to deer


  • Video: What Kind Of Flowers Do Deer Not Like To Eat?

    The tomato scientifically lists as a fruit, but most gardeners view it as a vegetable because of the ways it is utilized in food dishes. The tomato uses its aroma as a defense against deer. Its strong distinct scent fills the air shortly after growing season begins.

    Video: How To Keep Deer out of your Garden or Tomato Plants Organically

    Video: How to Keep Raccoons Out of Vegetable Gardens : Vegetable Gardening 101

    Tomatoes boast thousands of varieties that range in acidity, color, and size. Gardeners typically harvest them according to the climate zone, taste preference, size preference and time the gardener can spend on care. And though tomatoes do a good job at repelling deer, other factors cause headache to the gardener. The University of Illinois Extension office states that tomatoes can contract diseases from soil, insects and or a lack of vitamins and calcium.

    The aroma of a tomato frequently deters deer
    The aroma of a tomato frequently deters deer


  • Video: How to protect your tomatoes from birds and rodents!

    The leaves, stems, blossoms and early green tubers within the ground are poisonous to animals. The tubers eventually turn into a white or yellowish potato before harvest. The potato at the white or yellow stage is not poisonous. The Oracle Education Foundation highlights that animals can have symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, breathing disruptions and even coma if a large amount is consumed. According to the University of Illinois Extension Office, potatoes are a staple of many countries and fare well in cooler climates. The potato varieties are divided by harvest times including the early season, mid-season and late.

    The potato plant'-s leaves, stems, and blossoms are poisonous
    The potato plant'-s leaves, stems, and blossoms are poisonous
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