How to Freeze Citrus Fruits

If you have a citrus tree, you may be overwhelmed with fruit during harvest time and on the lookout for ways to give away much of the fruit before it spoils. Instead of giving away the surplus, freeze a portion to enjoy after the fresh citrus is gone. Freezing requires special preparation of the fruit before placing it in the freezer. Select firm and ripe citrus fruit for freezing. Citrus fruits include oranges, grapefruits, lemons, mandarins, tangors, kumquats, shaddocks, bergamots, limes, tangelos and tangerines.

Things You`ll Need

  • 40 percent syrup or fruit juice
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Freezer containers

Fruit Pieces

  • Wash the outside of the fruit with water.

  • Peel each fruit, without cutting in half. Discard the peels.

  • Divide the fruit into the individual sections.

  • Video: How to Freeze Oranges

    Remove the seeds and membrane from each section.

  • Put the pieces in a freezer container and cover with fruit juice or 40 percent syrup. Before adding the liquid, mix in ½- tsp. ascorbic acid for every 1 quart of syrup or juice.

  • Place an airtight lid on the freezer container and place in the freezer.

Fruit Juice

  • Wash the outside of the fruit with water.

  • Cut the fruit in half.

  • Video: Freezing Oranges for Longer Term Storage

    Press the cut half against a juicer to release the fruit juice, without pressing oil from the rind. Repeat for all the citrus fruit, discarding the rinds.

  • Pour the juice into a freezer container.

  • Add ¾- tsp. of ascorbic acid per 1 gallon of juice.

  • Video: How to Freeze Lemons

    Place an airtight lid on the freezer container and place in the freezer.

Tips & Warnings

  • Make the 40 percent syrup by dissolving 3-¼- cups sugar for every 5 cups hot water. Cool the syrup before adding to the fruit.
  • Freeze the juice in ice cube trays. After the cubes freeze, remove them from the trays, and place in a freezer bag and freeze. This allows you to use smaller amounts of the citrus juice without thawing the entire batch.
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