How to Make Natural Spider Repellent

Spiders do an effective job of controlling many nuisance insects in the yard, landscape and garden. However, spiders also do a good job of giving many people the creeps. In places where it is desirable to repel spiders, such as outdoor living spaces, use a natural, homemade spider repellent. A natural repellent is safer for the environment, children, and pets, and typically costs less than many commercial products.

How to Make Natural Spider Repellent

Things You`ll Need

  • Pot
  • Water
  • Nylon stocking
  • Scissors
  • Chewing or cigar tobacco
  • Spray bottle
Step 1

Fill a pot with 1 gallon of water, and place the pot on a stove. Bring the water to a boil.

Step 2

Video: DIY Spider Repellent Spray

With scissors, cut the end from a nylon stocking to form a small sack or bag for brewing.

Step 3

Video: How to make spider repellent that kills fast. Peppermint oil mix.

Place 1/2 cup of chewing tobacco or half of a cigar into the nylon bag. Break up the tobacco in the cigar before placing it in the bag. Tie the top of the bag securely.

Step 4

Place the tobacco "tea bag" in the boiling water. Remove the pot from the stove, cover, and allow it to steep for 30 minutes.

Step 5

Video: How to Make Spider Repellent | At Home With P. Allen Smith

Remove the tobacco bag from the brew and discard it. Allow the brew to cool, then pour the tobacco tea into a spray bottle. Spray along areas as desired to deter spiders.

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